Sunday, April 08, 2012

Happy Easter!

Easter... a time for renewals... a time for reflection... a time for family... I didn't realize how many stores were closed today.  That impresses me.
1958 - my little brother is still in the incubator...

Our family didn't go to church today... but that's OK.  When I was little, we regularly attended church, but Easter was special:  new Gloves... new hats... new dress (which she made of course).  On Easter Sunday I was allowed to sit with my parents, instead of attending Sunday School with the other kids.  I LOVED that.  Sitting next to my mother as she sang in her high soprano voice... "Glory Be to the Father... and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost... as it was in the Beginning, is now and ever Shall Be!"  And my father with his deep voice belting out on the other side of me... I felt safe in my Methodist Pew... between the people I loved the most.

A typical GG table...
eclectic candles and anything purple...
Thought a lot about mom today... and the Easter Brunches that she loved to give...  and her hats... she loved any occasion to wear a hat and have a dinner party.

My husband barbeques Ribeyes (YUM)... but it's not the same as going to mom's house... playing croquet... nibbling on deviled eggs... sipping wine... gabbing and gabbing until leaving with a full tummy and happy heart... and although she is no longer with us physically, I feel her around me today...

I love my girls... they have a crazy mom who can't cook and never wears hats.  But we have created our own way of celebrating holidays... 
We are together... we love each other... 
and that's what really matters, right?

Never underestimate the value of a sister!

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