Monday, December 30, 2013

Shine On...

Last January, MY SHINE PROJECT's Ashley challenged her readers to meet 100 people.
She called it simply, THE 100 PEOPLE PROJECT  .
I have always been chatty with strangers (much to the chagrin of my children) so I didn't intend on actually participating... but something started happening this year... I feel HAPPY... and have been walking around with a smile on my face.  Maybe that's the reason that quite unintentionally,  this challenge found ME...

I may or may not have hit 100... I've lost count... 
but here are three that stand out in my memory:

The Girl with Pink Hair
She was in front of me in line at Walgreen's.  I could see the "looks" people were giving her.  I told her I liked it, and was in AWE of her bravery... which was apparently what she needed at that exact moment.  We chatted for awhile... I listened and learned... and have a new friend in my phone list, 
who is encouraging me to be BRAVE!

Frazzled Mommy
I noticed her at Safeway - completely crazed - I offered to help.  
I pushed the cart with her newborn, while she gathered up her football-in-the-isle twin boys.  We chatted a little longer... (until I saw she was breathing normally)... and as we hugged good-bye, I assured her the twins would be the light of her life someday... I know from experience!  

Scary Gothic Girl
You know the kind...  and don't pretend you don't stare.
She was digging through her purse, not finding the money she thought was there... then asked the clerk to borrow the phone.  The employee told her it was not allowed!  She swore some lovely phrases as she stormed out.  Something told me to follow her to her car, where she was just sitting, staring into space.  I handed her $10 and offered the use of my cell phone.   This "scary gothic girl" hugged me and cried... because now she could put some gas in her car, and notify the daycare that she would be a few minutes late... to pick up her son... 


It's not as hard as you may think... and more rewarding than you can imagine...
Start with a smile and HELLO... you will be amazed at the reactions you get! 
Some are grateful... others look at you like you're crazy!
You don't have to "make friends" and hang out every weekend!
You don't have to (you shouldn't - and I never usually) offer rides...
Just listen... open your heart... and keep smiling!
You never know what a difference you can make...

I am reminded of a song we teach in Primary...
I am like a star shining brightly... 
smiling for the whole world to see...

Thank you for challenging me, Ashley!

NOTE TO SELF:  Be Friendly, NOT Flirty!  Yikes...


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