totally inspires us?
Through some old family friends,
I found this totally inspiring blogger,
whose daughter totally inspired HER.
Now, in "Pay it Forward" fashion,
I am sharing this with you...
and maybe will attempt this myself!
Writing poetry is such a daunting task
(or so it seems) -
but this is like snippets of honesty.
What are you thinking... how do you see yourself?
What are your fears.... your hopes... your dreams?
How do you want to be remembered...
(or so it seems) -
but this is like snippets of honesty.
What are you thinking... how do you see yourself?
What are your fears.... your hopes... your dreams?
How do you want to be remembered...
The assignment will guide you: I AM will be the hardest one, I promise you!
After that, look at the first words of each line, and follow along:
I wonder, I hear, I see... etc. etc. etc.
After that, look at the first words of each line, and follow along:
I wonder, I hear, I see... etc. etc. etc.

into your own thoughts... your own soul.
5 lines, 6 lines, 6 lines.
The last line of each stanza is redundant...
(4 lines of which are redundant, but who’s counting?).
Nonetheless, it is a worthy exercise...
First her little girl's poem - how sweet and adorable...
how observant she is... how captivated I AM...
First her little girl's poem - how sweet and adorable...
how observant she is... how captivated I AM...
I am a loving, pretty 2nd grader
I wonder how tall God is
I hear kids yelling
I see 5 dogs
I am a loving, pretty 2nd grader
I wonder how tall God is
I hear kids yelling
I see 5 dogs
I am a loving, pretty 2nd grader
I pretend to be a teacher
I feel a rainbow coming
I touch a tree
I worry about my house on fire
I cry about my Grandma being lonely
I am a loving, pretty 2nd grader
I feel a rainbow coming
I touch a tree
I worry about my house on fire
I cry about my Grandma being lonely
I am a loving, pretty 2nd grader
I understand that T-Rexes were real
I say that nothing is impossible
I dream that I could meet a star
I try to win cross country
I hope I get to eat soon
I am a loving, pretty 2nd grader
And now the mother of this "loving, pretty 2nd grader".... Meaghan
I say that nothing is impossible
I dream that I could meet a star
I try to win cross country
I hope I get to eat soon
I am a loving, pretty 2nd grader
And now the mother of this "loving, pretty 2nd grader".... Meaghan
I am a divine and pure exression of light and love
I wonder what gifts my children will share with the world
I hear the angels’ sweet laughter
I see my truest self reflected back to me in the eyes of those I trust
I want to leave my own indelible mark on the world
I am a divine and pure expression of light and love
I wonder what gifts my children will share with the world
I hear the angels’ sweet laughter
I see my truest self reflected back to me in the eyes of those I trust
I want to leave my own indelible mark on the world
I am a divine and pure expression of light and love
I pretend to not be scared about death and dying
I feel safe in a cathedral of trees
I touch God when I breathe deep and get still
I worry about not accomplishing what I came here to do
I cry when I feel disconnected and forget my own truth
I am a divine and pure expression of light and love
I feel safe in a cathedral of trees
I touch God when I breathe deep and get still
I worry about not accomplishing what I came here to do
I cry when I feel disconnected and forget my own truth
I am a divine and pure expression of light and love
I understand we are all connected by ribbons of energy
I say I am a recovering perfectionist
I dream a world of peace, joy, and enough
I try for balance and moderation in all things
I hope I can always be small enough to believe and big enough to forgive
I am a divine and pure expression of light and love
I say I am a recovering perfectionist
I dream a world of peace, joy, and enough
I try for balance and moderation in all things
I hope I can always be small enough to believe and big enough to forgive
I am a divine and pure expression of light and love