Sunday, April 21, 2013

Never take a Bathroom for Granted

Do you think much about bathrooms?
My friend Jerry does.
Finding this clean, accessible one, was the HIGH POINT of his day!  

Jerry has Cerebral Palsy.

Yet I've never seen him without a smile.
He is in all sorts of organizations:  UCP, NWDSA, OCDD... the list goes on.
He believes he must give back,
for he has been given so much...

I don't think too much about bathrooms... unless they clog.
I take so many things for granted...

I was at Costco yesterday.
The man ahead of me was in a wheelchair, with a rambunctious guide dog.  He was struggling to control the dog, and get out his Costco card.

With one hand holding his dog...
the other unuseable,
he used some sort of tool to reach in his pocket and bring his wallet to the surface.  
Grabbing it with the dog-holding hand, he lifted it to his mouth,
and with his teeth, extracted the card.  
The whole process took a few minutes...

I caught his glance and smiled... 
trying not to be patronizing.
He was a so handsome... a beautiful smile,
and a mischievous twinkle in his eye...

Tongue-tied for conversation ideas, I asked if I could pet his dog,
his beautiful, devoted Golden Retriever... 

That was our only interaction.  

The walk back to my car, in the outer limits of Costco,
suddenly didn't seem so far... and my Morton's Neuroma was tolerable...
I felt so happy... so humbled...
so determined to be grateful for simple things...
 like getting my Costco card in and out of my wallet...

Another friend volunteers for the March of Dimes (35 years!)
Here's her link, if you feel so inclined... every little bit helps...
Link no longer active

Where much is given, much is expected...
Don't take life for granted...

Call me.

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