Wednesday, October 31, 2012

There's a NIP in the air.... must be Halloween!

I love Halloween in the desert... 
There is finally a NIP in the air - and neighbors come out to play!
There is no pressure to cook or clean the house...
and when you get sick of the kids, you can just turn off the lights.  
Don't get me wrong - I LOVE seeing all the little princesses and Thors... 
and decorating the yard with tombstones... 
but after a few hours our pounds of candy are gone... 
and I'm ready for bed!

Quick - what is your favorite costume you've ever worn?
Mine is from an Opera mom was in...
maybe Aunt Barb can remember the name of it?
It was a Halloween STAPLE for years and years...
My crazy brother is playing the party of Superman - 
Gotta love the 80's!
Wonder what ever happened to this thing?

Be safe...

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